Post-doc: Tropical forest biomass (Netherlands)

The Centre for Geo-Information at Wageningen University (NL) is offering a PostDoc position to perform research on the concept, tools and implementation for the independent validation, regional calibration and the use of global biomass products derived from remote sensing and their analysis to assess the impact of human-induced changes on tropical forest biomass. The work is linked with the ESA DUE GlobBiomass project with the aim to better characterize and to reduce uncertainties of aboveground biomass estimates at regional and global scales by developing an innovative synergistic mapping approach using EO and in-situ data. The focus of the PostDoc position will be on the validation task of the GlobBiomass products building upon the work already performed at the GRS group and the validation protocol already developed as part of the project using different types of existing biomass reference data in a harmonized manner. The new and improved forest biomass map data and estimates (incl. uncertainties) should be used in analysis related to REDD+ and on quantifying the impact of forest regrowth in terms of biomass accumulation and carbon sink in the tropics from local to regional scales, and understanding the role of regrowing forests in the establishment of Reference Levels and Nationally Determined Contributions as outlines by the Paris Climate Agreement. The independent assessment of recent global biomass maps will also be performed for the European region using extensive reference data from national forest inventories characterized by different inventory designs.

More details.

Post-doc: Social Anthropology (Energy)
At Congress2016 as a SSHRC Storyteller
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