
Post-doc: Gender & Fishing Livelihoods

Fish is a critical source of nutrition and livelihoods in low-income countries such as Bangladesh. WorldFish has played a key role in increasing the supply and availability of fish in low-income contexts through the Livestock & Fish CGIAR Research Program. This impact-oriented research will be the foundation for continuing innovation in fish breeding in the upcoming Fish Agri-foods CGIAR Research Program (FISH CRP). A major challenge for sustainable nutrition and livelihoods security is the development of robust strains of fish that meet the specific needs of poor women and men engaging in smallholder aquaculture. Currently, there are pressing gaps in knowledge regarding gendered preferences and outcomes. In particular, evidence is required as to whether, to what extent, and why the focus and results of fish genetic breeding programs have different outcomes for men and women. This includes the extent to which improved strains meet different needs that women and men may have, and in what way, such technologies may reinforce or shift gender roles, relations, and equity of outcomes. Addressing this gap is the primary focus of this Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) position.

The PDF will tackle the overarching research question: How do the intended gender-equitable outcomes of the fish breeding program compare with the empirical gendered preferences and impacts, and what are the lessons for breeding program design, implementation and fish seed distribution? The PDF will do so through undertaking a systematic literature review and in depth, mixed methods empirical studies in Bangladesh in relation to the FISH CRP/WorldFish's tilapia and carp breeding program.

Additionally, the PDF will also play a key role in identifying, refining, and communicating to researchers across a range of FISH CRP countries insights into best practice and cutting-edge gender methods and strategies appropriate to different types and phases of aquaculture and fisheries research.

More details.

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Post-doc: Migration (Netherlands)

Topic: Migration, livelihoods and SRHR: A triple case-study of young female migrants (YFMs) in Dhaka, Bangladesh

The Anthropology Department at the VU University is looking for a post-doc researcher for the two year WOTRO funded project "Migration, livelihoods and SRHR: A triple case-study of young female migrants (YFMs) in Dhaka, Bangladesh". The post-doc will be stationed in the Netherlands but be expected to travel regularly and for longer periods of time to Dhaka.
Description of the project

Existing SRHR policies and programs in Bangladesh are predominantly geared to reducing fertility through family planning and safe motherhood. However, SRH is more than fertility and contraceptive use. An increasing number of NGOs are now working towards the improvement of adolescents' and women's SRHR in rural and urban Bangladesh. Their programs are geared towards the awareness-raising of SRR and the improvement of SRH interventions. Nonetheless, Bangladesh still has the highest fertility rate for adolescent girls in the world. The scale of gender violence is unprecedented, and (access to) SRH service is extremely limited. There is still much work needed to assure women and men of their SRHR.

This project focuses on three different groups of young female migrants (YFMs) in Dhaka: ready-made garment workers, Garo beauty parlor workers, and female sex workers. Consistent economic growth for three decades has caused a rapid increase of female participation in the workforce and rural-urban migration. A focus on these separate cases of highly vulnerable young women allows us to acquire a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of gender, age, class, ethnicity and religions, income generating activities, sexuality and migration. The project approaches SRHR as grounded and contextualized in the daily lives of YFMs. It will identify their needs, desires, knowledge, possibilities and (structural) restraints regarding SRHR. We will look at how self-determination and sexual autonomy of young (unmarried) women living and working in the urban context are enhanced or obstructed through their income-generating activities. A high degree of collaboration is expected between the three cases. The project contains different knowledge sharing and capacitating activities aimed to transform academic knowledge into policy or practical knowledge and skills. The project will use an array of qualitative methods which includes ethnographic methods and Participatory Action Research.

More details (two postings, first based in Bangladesh, second based in the Netherlands).

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